Sunday, January 10, 2010

Moron Bay.

So...we have a slight setback here. I've weighed the soil samples and realized that we may need to go out to the field sites and collect double samples. The labs that will analyze them needs a minimum amount and we have maybe half of that or theres more than half a days work added on to our schedule. I don't think either of us are to happy about it. On a brighter note, we went down to Morro Bay (perhaps more appropriately deemed Moron Bay). Super awesome natural setting with this huge son of a rock out in the ocean that give quite the scenic view. Unfortunately, beauty along the coast spawns disgusting junk shops and crabby ass Thai restaurant owners. Actually, the Thai food was good but the owner was an SOB and made us feel pretty unwelcome.

Another bight note was wine tasting in Harmony, CA which is just about 5 miles outside of Cambria. The wine was great and the people were friendly plus it was just $3 for 8 tastes. They had many tasty reds and of course our favorite on the list was the most expensive one as well, the Aria meant to showcase the vintners talents. We did come home with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. I think we'll make a reappearance before we weigh the soil samples. It seems to lift Kristins smile a wee bit.

I've been getting crazy amounts of ticks so far, at least relative to Kristin. She has had 1 to my 15 or so. Not to mention I've had 3 or 4 of those pretty well imbedded. Red blotchy patches and it burns to no end. Never had a tick bite do that. We went on a Mushroom hike the other day that was pretty great. Something like 25-30 folks attended and the mushrooms were aplenty...lots of russula, amanita, boletes, and one I'm hoping to find again...Boletus edulis. Supposedly this thing is delicious, not to mention it is large and in charge. King of the Castle as some would say. Off to work. Till the 'morrow.

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